CITB to Incentivise Training with £30M Injection

If we cannot assist you with funding because your outside Gloucestershire then there is still some great opportunities for us to help you via the CITB Grants shceme.

In a move to get industry back into growth, a £30 million Exceptional Training Grant (ETG) has been approved by the CITB board to incentivise training and reward you if you continue training.

CITB_Your Funding

The £30m ETG funding is split £15m for training carried out under the 2012/2013 Period, plus a further £15m for the 2013/2014 Period

To Qualify for ETG you must have completed training that is eligible for Grants Scheme support within either of the two Grant Scheme years.

One of the best ways that you can gain the most appropriate funding is to consider a training and development plan. By working both with us and the CITB a long term goal can be set up to achieve training aims set out over a year instead of just sporadic training on demand.

The team here have a great deal of experience in helping those within scope to gain access to the funding they are potentially due. Give us call to discuss further! 01453 826781 and ask for Alison Sherriff.

Courses now live on Home Building Skills Website

The website is a ‘fount of knowledge’ whatever direction you are looking to pursue within the construction industry. C&G Services have now loaded a variety of courses of interest and also a white paper about Health & Safety Consultancy

 Click on the logo to visit the website

About the Home Building Skills Project:

In 2009 NHBC, Zero Carbon Hub, HBF and ConstructionSkills came together to establish the Home Building Skills initiative.

Our aim was to identify the most likely changes that would affect the UK housebuilding industry in the next 10 years, and the potential impacts of these changes on the skills and knowledge required by the main groups of professionals involved in this industry.

We wanted to identify the skills and knowledge needed by the whole home building supply chain to cope with, and thrive in, an intensive period of change.

Download the Report and Recommendations here (PDF file, initial report published October 2010).

Since 2010 the group has undertaken further research and has now published an additional report providing, in effect, a synopsis of the most pressing concerns in UK home building today form a skills and training perspective:

Home Building Skills Research Report 2013 (PDF file)

(Information from the Home Building Skills website August 2013)

Health & Safety Regulations are changing…………

The health & safety regulations for workplaces are changing as the HSE implement the recommendations of the Lofstedt Review. It’s important that you re-evaluate the measures you have in place and make sure that you have done as much as possible to reduce the lofstedt-report-one-year-onrisks of illness and injury resulting from work related accidents

The costs of injury or illness to businesses can be enormous. However, by putting in place the right measures will obviously help mitigate risk.

We work with organisations whatever the size to assess your training needs and put in place a sold training plan backed up by a service level agreement  that suits the size of your business requirements

Train your way out of a recession

Train your way out of a recession

So much has been said about ‘maintaining your marketing spend through a recession’ creates businesses that emerge stronger than a competitors’. But what about training?

Training, like marketing, is religiously targeted by businesses as a way to cut cost’s to try and make a business leaner and more able to survive a recession.

So what’s wrong with cutting your training budget? A business is no longer able to react quickly to increases in demand for its services or products, the workforce isn’t ‘training fit’, succession planning is non existent. Beyond that, when tendering for new business these days, many companies pose the question about demonstrating what you do in regards to Continual Professional Development. If you have cut your training budget, you have no chance in answering this question!! Continue reading

CITB Funding

CITB1314GrantsHi Folks,

Don’t forget that as of the 1st August 2013, the new CITB Grants are now live for the period 2013-2014. If you are a levy payer, then think about putting a Training Plan in place to start maximising the grant you can get. Not sure how to do that, ask us!

Make sure that you are claiming all you should, either give me a call or drop me an email to arrange a meeting to discuss your requirements in more detail.

Click here: 2013/2014 Grants for further information